Operation Action U.P. Annual Meeting & Business Success Summit
Date and Time
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM EST
Northern Michigan University
Registration Fee (includes lunch): $45 for Members and $50 for Non-Members
Contact Information
Michaela Zuzula
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Annual Meeting
Each year, the members of Operation Action U.P. and the business community from across Michigan's Upper Peninsula gather to review the accomplishments of the past year and cast the vision for the next.
The Operation Action U.P Excellence Awards recognize up to four outstanding for-profit businesses that have contributed to the economic well-being of the Upper Peninsula. At the Annual Meeting, these award winners will have the opportunity to spotlight their business and say thanks to the individuals or organizations who nominated them in this competitive award process.
View the agenda here.
OAUP/SBAM Business Success Summit
The Business Success Summit will immediately follow the Annual Meeting. The Business Success Summit is a great opportunity for employers or employees to grow professional development skills, network, and build meaningful business relationships at no cost.
The U.P.'s Unique Opportunities in Outdoor Recreation
Cyber Attack - Protecting Your Business from Savvy Hackers
Leadership Strategies for Challenging Times
If you are planning to ONLY attend the Business Success Summit and/or SBAM Networking Reception portions of the day (2:00 - 6:00p.m.) - please register here: AFTERNOON ONLY. If planning to attend all day, register at the top of this page.
Networking Reception Hosted by Small Business Association of Michigan
The day will end with a Networking Reception hosted by Small Business Association of Michigan. Food and drinks will be provided along with a brief presentation.
Speakers and Panelists:
Sarah Lucas, Director of the Michigan Office of Rural Development
Brian Calley, President and CEO at SBAM
Adam Simonsen, Account Executive at Integris
Rick Popp, Author, Speaker, and Leadership Consultant
Vince Nystrom, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Fund Development at InvestUP
Glenn Stevens, Executive Director, MICHauto
Michael Sadler, Risk Advisor, VAST
Joe Thiel, CEO, Innovate Marquette SmartZone
Doug Miller, Director of the Upper Peninsula Cybersecurity Institute at NMU
View the agenda here.
Members do not need a login to receive member pricing. The member and non-member rates are available as a guest in the online registration process. Look for the drop-down menu asking if you are a member or non-member of OAUP.